The Illinois State University Business Information Systems Capstone class has partnered with Katie Novak Cooperative Coaching to analyze data from recent co-op capital campaigns, resulting in a first of it’s kind report that will be made available (free of charge) to start-up co-ops across the country.
The report will provide co-ops on the verge of capital campaign planning sound analytics to help build their campaigns. Right now, an analysis of these campaigns is at best anecdotal because there is no clearing house of this kind of data. These students will take (scrubbed) data from co-ops across the country who have completed a capital campaign in the last 3 years, standardize it and analyze it to provide data and information to help co-ops make capital campaign decisions.
If your co-op has completed a capital campaign recently and would like to participate, please email Katie Novak as soon as possible. Students will need access to data by late February.