Thank you all for taking the Coffee with Katie Survey. As you know, I’m moving these conversations to a later time of day to accommodate attendance by those of us who can’t get to a daytime meeting. I’ll also be changing the name of these gatherings to Conversation with Katie. Bring whatever kind of drink you’d like.
Based on your feedback, starting Jan 2024, Conversation with Katie will take place the third Thursday of the month at 5pm CT (6 pm ET, 3pm PT, 4 MT). Mark your calendar for Jan 16.
I also appreciate your feedback on topics for these Conversations. The overwhelming winner was Spokesperson Training and I’ve got great news for you. That is on the schedule for February! Stay tuned for more details on the remaining 2024 topics. I’ll do my best to include your great suggestions. In the meantime, sign up to join us in November to discuss Capital Stack Basics.