How to Build a Website Collectively with Noah Skocilich

Join me and Noah at the March Coffee with Katie to talk about co-op websites on March 21 at 12 noon CST. Other industries have the power of templates and technology geared to their specific business…why shouldn’t co-op’s have the same options? Noah and I will discuss how we can collectively create resources (starting with a website template tailored to co-ops!). In this session we’ll start the brainstorming process to build a website template specifically for co-ops with YOU! We need your cooperative insights and know-how to make this session a success.
Noah Skocilich of Ginilytics IT Solutions is a cooperator at heart. I was introduced to him via a Facebook group called Cooperation Plano. I love co-ops and I live in Plano so it only seemed natural to join the group and I’m glad I did. Noah and I have partnered on a few projects and his team recently redid my website.
Coffee with Katie is a virtual and FREE monthly networking and educational event hosted as a way for me to P6 (Co-ops helping Co-ops) some of the great information I’ve learned over the years.
Register TODAY! You don’t want to miss this.