I’m super excited to co-lead TWO sessions at Up & Coming this fall. Up & Coming is an annual conference designed to inspire, educate, and connect cooperators from around the country working tirelessly to open cooperative grocery stores in their communities.
Registration is open and I welcome your attendance at these sessions:
The Food Shed Co-op Difference: Capital Campaign Success Strategies
Doug Close, Food Shed Co-op Board member joins me to discuss the inspiring case study of the successful Food Shed Co-op $1.7 million dollar capital campaign. Discover the innovations that Food Shed Co-op employed alongside tried and true practices that consistently get results. In this session, Doug and I will take you on a journey through the Food Shed Co-op Capital highlighting their strategies, challenges, and triumphs.
A Tale of Two Co-ops
Representatives from Rise Community Market (Cairo, IL) and Southside Food Co-op (Chicago, IL) join me for a discussion about their organizing experiences. The conversation promises to be an insightful and informative discussion on the differences and similarities in cooperative organizing across population sectors from rural southern Illinois to densely populated Chicago.
Hope to see you in MN this fall!