As cooperators we are good at bringing people together and making change…but doing so in a pandemic is new to us. I’d like to highlight a few examples of co-ops (Hello Oshkosh, Whitewater & West Chester!) who are growing and engaging with their audience (and ownership) in the midst of the crazy world we’re living in.
Oshkosh Food Co-op recently posted to Facebook thanking the local Rotary for hosting the co-op AND making the offer to attend other organization’s meetings, virtually or in person, practicing social distance (as demonstrated in the pic). Kudos to Oshkosh Food Co-op for continuing to seek and take opportunities to tell your co-op’s story!

My Friend at Whitewater Grocery Co. recently shared a short video update on social media, which is a great way to keep owners updated and engaged.

Events, even in a pandemic (think virtual, outdoor or social distanced) are a great way to bring people together and spread awareness about the co-op. The good folks at West Chester Cooperative recently shared preliminary info about an upcoming event host by a nearby co-op focused on reusable food wraps made from local beeswax. Totally cool.

The pandemic has given the start-up cooperative community the opportunity to capitalize on our already strong networks. Take some inspiration from these awesome co-ops and take action to build your co-op community today!